Job Postings
Welcome to the Employment section of CALEA® Online. This area is where you can place and find ads for job openings in the field of public safety.
If you want to place an ad, click on Post a Position and fill out the Employment Ad Form and send it to CALEA. This is a free service. There is no limit to the number of openings posted each month.
Terms and Rates
All ads run for 30 days, then automatically disappear. To delete an ad before 30 days, e-mail Postings will be reviewed for approval before posting. The approval process is usually one business day. Complete the Post a Position Form to place your ad.
State | City | Title | Date Posted Sort ascending |
CO | Timnath | Police Chief | |
TN | Nashville | Officer (Airport Police) | |
CO | Lakeside | Chief of Police | |
VA | Charlottesville | Executive Director | |
WA | Vancouver | 911 Emergency Communication Call Taker | |
TX | Odessa | Chief of Police | |
WI | Germantown | Lateral Transfer Police Officer | |
KS | Shawnee | Dispatch Operations Manager | |
CO | Trinidad | Police Chief - City of Trinidad, CO | |
CO | Boulder | Police Officer (Recruit and Lateral) |